
Welcoming the New Year with open arms!

I'm ready to say GOODBYE to 2010, and welcome 2011 with lots of hugs!! 

Let's see what happened in my life in 2010:
- Graduated from college (woo hoo!)
- Single for the whole year
- Unemployed for majority of the year
- When employed during this year:
          * Internship was over in April
          * Worked at Portrait Innovations in Sept. &  fired in Oct. (only 3 weeks of employment)  :(
          * Started working at Picture Me! in Nov.  & still working there, yay!!  :)
- Gained a bunch of weight this year ( I know it's silly to mention, but it happened and I don't like it!)
- Having to go through a lot of changes like: finishing school and being unemployed all in the same week.  I'm not good with change and well it took a while to get used it. 
- Worst thing: Daddy passed away.
- 1st White Christmas

That's the major stuff that has happened in my life for 2010.  I can say that I have survived it, and can see another year.  I would like to thank my friends & family for some great memories!  Also, for being there when times got rough.  Let's welcome this new year with open arms, because boy I'm wanting a good year (not the tire btw). 

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