
I never know what to put in this box.

Things I did today:
  • Eat
  • Sleep
  • Watch Tv
  • Change the blog's appearance
  • Being lazy

I have taken lazy to a whole new level.  I think about doing things. Like doing some scrapbook pages, cleaning, excerising, playing games, etc.  Guess what?  I haven't done any of that today!  I still have some time left today to actually do something. 

Scrapping is fun.  I just feel unsure about how to do it, and so I kinda wing it.  They say there is no right or wrong way of doing it.  As long as you like the outcome, it's all good!  I'm happy with the first two pages.  It seems that I do things on the conserative side.  Wonder if I can change that when I'm doing the scrapbook pages.  I have already done 2 pages so far.  I have 2 other pages to do.  The four pages is of summer camp photos.  Then I'll probably do another page about the time I played basketball & softball for church.  I probably could do another page or two for graduation, and then the same for prom.  I have a lot of photos already printed and then a lot on my computer. 

Anyway, the new year is coming up.  Have ya'll been thinking about your new year's resolutions?  I don't do those, because I always break them anyway.  I like to start things before the new year.  Werid, huh?  If i was going to make a resoultion, it will probably be to lose weight & quit smoking.  The first one is a dead give away.  The second one is something that I have been thinking for awhile.  Considering what has happen to my Daddy, I have given it a lot of thought to quit smoking.  I don't know how to start doing that.  Do ya'll have any pointers? 

I usually put up a picture in every post, and it usuallly aids the blog, but this one is just one I like :)

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