
How is your lifestyle?

I found this article while searching on bing for ways to change your lifestyle. This article gives simple steps on how to determine if you need a lifestyle change and to stay motivated!

How to Commit to Lifestyle Change eHow.com

I also found this cute cartoon while doing the search:

It says at the bottom, "Do you realise how many years I've had to work to develop this lifestyle?  And now you're telling me to change it!"  Too funny :)

My lifestyle is:
  • Being lazy
  • Eating junk food
  • Drink nothing but soda
  • No exercise
  • Eat no veggies or fruits
  • Close to zero confidence
What I like my new lifestyle to be:
  • At least half of lazy now or less would be better
  • Eat 75% less funk food
  • Drink more juice & water
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week, more would be better
  • Eat more veggies and fruits
  • Be more confident
I'm not starting it right at this second, but I know where to start.  Plus, I don't want to start so close to New Years, because it would be more like a resolution.  Which I do not do that!  It sets me up for failure, and then I feel bad about myself.  Then I won't do anything for awhile.  So it's best for me not to make new years resolutions. 

I will keep you posted on how I do : ) I might take like a before picture or something, and when I'm successful then I'll post a after picture.  :)

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