111 Tasks To Be Done Whenever

The original goal was to have 101 tasks to be done by 1001 days.  That is a great concept, but I had trouble narrowing down to 101 tasks.  There is a lot I haven't done in life, and now I plan to do most of it.  I felt alive when making this list.  I have been scared when asked to do things, but now I gotta do it if it's on this list :) 

If you're interested in making your own list, please go to Day Zero Project website.  It gives you ideas of what to put on the list, and tracks progress for you.  Pretty neat, huh? 

I will write about the tasks that I have completed.  I will have the link to the blog like this (Date completed) right beside the task. 

Date started: 11/1/10
Date ended: Still Pending

#. Task - Thinking about doing next
#.  Task - In progress
#. Task (Date) - Completed and linked to blog

Here is my list:
  1. Vote in a election
  2. Make a list of 100 things I like about myself
  3. Do something for charity
  4. Ride on a train
  5. Buy life insurance
  6. Take a pole dancing class
  7. Bake a cake for a friend
  8. Donate blood
  9. Don't complain about anything for a week
  10. Watch a meteor shower
  11. Visit a state I've never been to
  12. Lose weight
  13. Watch a roller derby match
  14. Design a t-shirt
  15. Cook a roost dinner
  16. No soda for one month
  17. Make homemade bread
  18. Have a psychic reading done
  19. Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes
  20. Get a hot rock massage
  21. Have professional family photos taken (12/3/10)
  22. Buy a pet fish
  23. Buy a bike
  24. Then learn how to ride the bike
  25. Move out of parents' house
  26. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
  27. Assemble an emergency kit for the car
  28. Create an emergency fund
  29. Put away $10 for every goal completed
  30. Make a cheesecake from scratch
  31. Vacation somewhere that requires a passport
  32. Send flowers anonymously to a friend in need
  33. Go to 5 different museums
  34. Write a living will
  35. Try a new recipe each month
  36. Make a year in pictures album
  37. Take at least 5 photos a day for a month
  38. Take a meditiation class
  39. Learn how to ice skate
  40. Make a t-shirt quilt
  41. Ask someone out
  42. Carve my name on a tree
  43. Visit New Orleans
  44. Plan a fireworks party for the 4th of July
  45. Learn to change a tire
  46. Create a scrapbook
  47. Pay off my debt
  48. No fast food for one month
  49. Make a family tree
  50. Learn how to play a guitar
  51. Read an autobiography
  52. Create a piece of art
  53. Buy a pair of killer heels
  54. Don't swear for a whole week
  55. Watch 101 new movies (9/101)
  56. Send Christmas cards  (12/14/2010)
  57. Throw a surprise party for someone
  58. Go on a day trip to a nearby state
  59. Learn how to skip a stone across a lake
  60. Make cupcakes
  61. Obtain a Master's degree
  62. Visit at least 1 new country
  63. Do 10 random acts of kindness
  64. Visit at least 25 states
  65. Spring Clean and donate
  66. Learn basic car maintenance
  67. Take a Tai Chi class
  68. Learn to play chess
  69. Go to 5 concerts
  70. Complete a 1000+ piece puzzle
  71. See a volcano
  72. Own an iPhone
  73. Try 20 new restaurants
  74. Take a photo of myself every week for a year
  75. Go on a luxury cruise
  76. Go to an IMAX movie
  77. Buy a polaroid camera
  78. Make a quilt with Mama
  79. Get certified in CPR
  80. Take a photography course
  81. Clean out closet
  82. Try a new (and possibly frightening) food
  83. Host a games night with friends
  84. Become financially independent
  85. Complete a coloring book
  86. Take a photo of a place through all 4 seasons
  87. Go to the beach
  88. Go for a walk in the rain
  89. Grow my hair to my waist
  90. Go to a rodeo
  91. Dress up for Halloween
  92. Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved this lifetime
  93. See Lady Gaga in concert
  94. Ride a jetski
  95. Buy a canvas and paint a piece of artwork
  96. Write a list of 101 things that make me happy
  97. Write a list of 101 things that make me angry
  98. Read a book on the beach
  99. Learn how to salsa
  100. Get another tattoo
  101. Not log into facebook for a whole week!
  102. Take a yoga class
  103. Join a book club
  104. Fall in Love
  105. Get married
  106. Start a family
  107. Complete a 365 days photo challenge
  108. Dance in the rain
  109. Read 100 books
  110. Get another piercing
  111. Fly a kite
Wish me luck!  I'm going to try my best to complete every single task on this list.

P.S. - This is not a bucket list! 
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