Today I took some pics of me just sitting around. Can you tell that I was bored? I should call this blog: "The unemployment girl's thoughts and activities of the day." That's a pretty long title, but you get my drift. Anyway, here is the pics of the original and then the special effects.
Original #1
Black & White with Vignette (Plus some cropping) |
Original #2
Splash of Color (my eyes is blue & gray, they kinda blend in) with some cropping
Three effects: Soften, Cross Process, & a white mist
I really like doing special effects. I know I need improvement with taking pics and doing the effects. But it's so much fun. I hope you enjoy these. I do all my special effects and editing with It's free! Who can say no to that? They do have a premium upgrade, but I'm not sure if I'm serious enough to do that just yet.
Anyway, I went to fill out paperwork at Picture Me Portrait Studios today. All I have to do now is wait for the background check to come back. I know it's clean, I just wonder how long it will take to come back. I can't wait to start working. I like supporting myself, and knowing that I earned the money the honest way. Some people want to make money the easy way, but doesn't everyone know that there is no easy way in life. It might be easy now but it will have a terrible consequence later on.
Another topic for tonight is patterns. I love hearing that I have changed, and all that crap. But I know that people follow patterns, and they hardly break them. I would like to believe that people can change, but everytime I trust someone that has said the 3 magical words ("I have changed."), they just disappoint me. They will show their true colors eventually. For example, my ex had abandoment and anger issues. I tried to help him, but it just seemed to get worse. He would get mad if I didn't buy him a game, or if I was talking to a guy friend. He would start yelling at me, calling me names. You name it, he probably called me that. That hurt my self-esteem so much! Always being told that I wasn't good enough for anyone else, and that I might as well stick with him. Anyway, I finally broke it off with him. It's almost a year to date actually. I have done well trying to piece together my life. I wouldn't wish that on anyone else. I don't care if you are my worst enemy, I would not wish that on you! Anyway, the point of the story is: his new girlfriend (knocked up) calls me out of the blue (via Myspace, then phone). Asking me questions about my relationship with my ex. I got the feeling that she must not be happy, since she is trying to find out things about his past. I pointed that out to her, and she disagreed with me. That he is the most wonderful guy in the world (as she said). So I answered her questions, and she said I lied. You know the indenial kind of crap. I told her that she wasn't there and not to be calling me a liar. I know what happened, I have my side of the story and then he has his. I wasn't the one checking up on their boyfriend's past, now was I? Anyway, I recently ran into my ex's grandma. (His family loved me!) She basically told me that my ex has not changed. He still gets mad if he doesn't get what he wants, and that he only thinks about himself. This guy has a baby on the way, and still hasn't changed. I feel sorry for the baby, I really do. But my point is, people do not change. Regardless of their situation, they will always stay the same.
If you haven't noticed, I put personal stuff up here. I'm like an open book, literally. You ask and I will tell. I'm a firm beliver that if you are ashamed of doing something, then you shouldn't be doing it at all. It has helped me so far in this life. I also don't have regrets. Everything happens for a reason.
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