
Am I a human ATM?

The title speaks for itself!  I stopped talking to this guy, because he thought I was his human atm.  For example, he asked for 3 big ticket items.  He wanted a laptop ($300+), rims ($1500), and not a cheap cell phone ($100+).  So yeah.  We are not even dating or anything.  We was just friends.  Now you tell me....would you buy those things for someone that you're just talking to?  He got mad at me for not wanting to buy those things for him.  I'm sorry, but I wasn't put on this earth to buy expensive things for a guy like him. 

Let me explain the situation more clearly:

We started talking back in June.  We would hang out and all that great stuff.  It was nothing serious.  I do admit that I would buy food and stuff like that for him, because I won't deny anybody food.  I wasn't raised like that.  Anyway, then he would start asking for shoes and things like that.  He would tell me that it's for work, and I would feel bad.  So I did buy those things also (big mistake!).  I told him about my past.  How I used to support my ex's.  I learned my lesson when it comes to buying or paying for big things.  But it seems like if you try to help out with the little things, then they expect the bigger things too.  Anyway, one day out of the blue he says, "I want to be single."  Ok, that's fine by me.  He still wanted to talk to me and everything.  Which I usually don't do, because I like a clean break for a little bit.  So I can straighten out things mentally, etc.  Well he kept asking me to do things for him.  Some I did, because it was important.  Then when he starts asking for a laptop, that's when I put my foot down.  He got so mad at me that he stopped talking to me for awhile.  Then he will call back to see if I changed my mind.  Then he would say well you let your exs use you.  That I'm not like that, and I still talk to you.  He was basically saying, "I'm different from them, so you should buy me those expensive things."  Total BS!  So I reached the point to where I don't care if we talk or anything!  I know that some of it is my fault for just letting it be the little things.  But I can't help it.  When someone asks for help, I try my best to help them.  When is it ok to help someone, and when is it not?  How do you really know if someone is for real, or if they're not?  I mean if the person cared for me, would they get mad at me for saying no?  I wouldn't think so.  He used to say things like, "Well if you dont', then I'll find another girl to do it for me." Or my favorite one,"I treat you right, and you don't do anything for me."  Things like that made me feel bad.  So I guess it's just my insecurity playing it's part in this whole mess.  So what I need to do is stop worrying about if I'll ever get married or anything like that.  Just worry about me and focus on me! 

It seems one of the most important things in life for people is to fall in love and do the whole family/marriage thing.  I believe that I have made that one, one of my own.  I apparently look for love in all the wrong places.   I should just let it take its course, and go with the flow.  If I do get to be a bride one day, then so be it.  I'm tired of the heartache and rejection I receive. 

On a lighter note:

I'm still enjoying my job!  That's a major plus :)  I got to hang out with the bestie today!  Here she is:

We had some lunch from Chickfila (my favorite place to eat!).  We went to the mall, and then back to her house.  We just enjoyed chatting and goofing around.  We are going to start working out again.  Which I can't wait, I really need to lose some of this extra weight.  I had a really good day hanging with her. 

I also got to take some pics of my dog, Rosie.  Then of a Christmas catus.  The catus used to be my grandma's, but she passed away back in '08.  So my mom has been taking care of it ever since.  My grandma loved her catus.  So this year it has finally bloomed :) 

Rosie, my lab :)
Christmas Catus
It's starting to bloom

Today was a good day!!  I didn't talk to the guy all day!  I hung out with my best friend.  Plus, I got to take a lot of pictures!  :)   I'm going to go to bed, and hope for another good day tomorrow!  Goodnite everyone! 

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