
Another day in this life

This picture is just awesome!!  I found it on the web.  I put "Another Day In This Life image" in the bing search engine, and I get this picture.  I wonder how they had the trucks do that.  Because I don't see any support beams or anything.   It would be awesome to see this piece in real life, but I wouldn't get to close since well it might tumble down. 

Anyway, I made another blog called "101 New Movies Watched".  I made it to complete one of the tasks on my "111 Tasks To Be Done Whenever" list.  I figured it would be easier to just do a post for every new movie I watch, and provide a review with a picture.  You can find the blog on the right side of the screen, if you want to check out. 

Today was election day.  I really need to register to vote.  My mom was telling me how packed it was at the polls.  Made me realize, people must have learned a lesson for not voting in the last presidential election, because we got Obama.  Well he hasn't done such a good job so far.  People say that Bush was bad, yeah I would have to disagree with them.  Bush tried his best considering the options that he had.  Anyway, I didn't know that we couldn't buy lottery tickets on election day.  I can understand alcohol not being sold.  You want people to be in the right frame of mind but lottery tickets?  Oh well. 

P.S. - Please feel free to comment.  :)

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