
It's a Chilly World Out There

A beautiful picture found on photobucket.com.  I love fall/winter seasons.  All the holidays and everything.  Why can't you be happy during this time?  Plus, no heat :)

Well I received a call today.  They want me to come in to fill out paperwork and all that great stuff so I can start working!  YAY!  It's a seasonal job, but hey better than no job, right?  The job is at Picture Me Portrait Studios.  This should be a fun job.  I can't wait to get started.   They just gotta do a background check and all that.  I'm clean so its all good! 

I love Netflix!  I have been watching In Plain Sight.  Some of these shows are just crazy.  I wonder if there is any truth in the shows.  Like if they have used real examples.  I wouldn't know what to do if I had to go into the witness protection program.  I couldn't be able to leave my family and friends.  They are the most important thing in my life, I couldn't lose them.  But people that had to do it, for whatever reason, has to be brave.  My hat off to them. 

Well I should be getting off this thing and going to bed.  Goodnite Everyone! 

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