
Rose Tattoo and other things....

I love this tattoo!!  I have been wanting to get a red rose with thorns for my dad.  He loved them!  I know that the thorns have a different meaning, but I just want it there since there is a big importance about the "Thorne" name.  I love the fact that this one is beautiful but somewhat manly at the same time.

I love the simplicity of this one!!  I probably wouldn't have the rose part at the bottom though.  Another thing is that I don't know where to put it.  I don't want to put it on my back, b/c then I won't see it.  Then I don't want it to put it where it could be easily seen.  Plus, I don't want to have it in a place where it's going to be extremely painful either.  I was thinking about putting it on my other wrist, but then I'll have to wear a thick watch or something to cover it up. 

{Another subject}

I do believe I'm Good Luck Chuck, just a female version.  If you have never seen that movie then you should go rent it right now!  Naw, but it's about a guy that believes he's cursed.  Every woman that he is with will end up marrying the next guy after him.  Then he finds someone that he wants to be with, and he's scared about the curse.  Then the story goes on.  It's a awesome movie!!! 

Anyway, I always joke about how I'm Good Luck Chuck.  Well it's starting to look like I really am.  I mean one guy that I thought would never get married, has gotten married.  I mean he didn't like the whole commitment thing and he just enjoyed the single life more than being settled down with someone.  It just goes to show that if someone meets the right person than they will put old habits away, and do right by the other person.  There is some hope out there.

{My Day}

 Today was a rough day!!  We had 7 providers at our office.  Granted some of them only had at most 15 patients, but that was an extra 15 patients I had to check out.  It was just plain crazy!! 

My coworkers think I'm crazy for going bowling on my lunch break.  I love it!  Nobody is there, and I can just bowl without worrying about the other bowlers beside me.  I bowled two games today : 156 and 166.  I'm getting better.  :) 

After work me and my buddies walked around the building.  I'm telling you the stairs is what kills me!  lol.  But if that was cut out then there would be no need to do it.  I like the fact there is some difference in our walking, like changing up the pace and everything. 

Today was a good day all around.  I didn't want to stab anybody with a fork, so it was a good day!  lol.  Tomorrow I will be bowling with my sister, and spending time with her.  Plus, it should be an easier day tomorrow than it was today.  :) 


Oh so many things to talk about.....

Oh my goodness!!  That is a big difference!!  This weekend I went to get my hair done.  I love having the blonde in my hair, but the hassle was not worth it.  I mean you can easily see the roots and everything.  Plus, when it was colored it changed the texture of my hair, and made it tangled easily.  And if you know me, you know that I love my hair, and I don't want it to be damaged or anything.   I still have some blonde left in it, but not as much.  You can't really tell in the pic above.  Also, I like being as natural as I can.  As you can see I don't have any makeup on in the "after" picture.  The most I ever put on is eyeliner and mascara like the "before" picture. 

It has taken me a long time to realize that if I'm happy with myself then everybody else's opinion doesn't matter.  Don't get me wrong, I will listen to my friends and take that into account but ultimately I have to be happy with it.  I like wearing my t-shirts and blue jeans.  I like not having to worry about makeup, and just enjoying being myself.  People tell me that I need to be more like a grown up......why?  Why is it that putting on makeup makes you a grown woman?  It doesn't to me!  You can put on all the makeup you want, but if you're still a ugly person inside, it doesn't matter.  Also, it doesn't make you grown, all it does is hides your flaws.  Weddings, formal events, and other things yes I will put on makeup, but other than that NOPE! I'll just put on my usual, or nothing at all.    I mean if you wear makeup, that's fine.  I don't care if you do.  If you feel more comfortable that way, awesome!  But as far as me goes, don't tell me that I need to wear makeup to be a grown woman. 

{Another Rant}

Last night I had sudden realization that most people you meet can not be trusted.  I say this because it's discouraging to me.  I have always tried keep faith in people.  Until it's completely shattered by no means of return.  I know that people make mistakes and that try to cover them up.  I get that.  But why all the backstabbing and two face people.  I mean what has happened with being honest as a core value.  I try my best to stay honest and true.  Granted sometimes it's hard, but I try.  But to set out and try to be those things (backstabbing and two faced).....is a totally different issue.  I mean why would you want to waste your time doing that?  Because once someone finds out, you're most likely going to lose some friends or allies (hate to say it, but it's like a game for some people).   I'm just so disappointed in some people these days. 

{On a lighter note}

I have started bowling on my lunch break.  I usually bowl only one game, but that's good enough for me.  I have also started walking with my buddies at work.  I'm trying to get back to being active.  I miss bowling in league, and having competetion.  I might be getting me a bowling ball (YAY!).  I'm super excited about that.  I can't wait to get it, and start bowling again (like seriously).  Using a houseball is good and all, but if you want to get better, you can't with the houseball.  It's best to have your own ball, so you can get consistent.  I used to bowl in the 180's.  Now I'm hitting anywhere between 130 to 160ish.  I used to win first place in the women's high scores in leagues.  Also, I used to win tournaments.  I remember when I would bowl with my ex in scotch doubles.  And when the people see us coming, they would say "Why do we even bother?"  We used to take 1st place everytime!  I miss that!  (The winning part, lol.)  People tell me that I'm such a good bowler, and that it's a waste that I'm not doing it anymore.  Well I have decided I'm going to get back into it.  And I'm not going to let anyone ruin it for me. 

Sorry that it's so long, but told ya there was so many things to talk about.  I'm going to go enjoy the rest of my weekend, and hope you do the same!!  :) 


Happy Birthday card

I made this card for my friend at work.  She is going to see her sister this weekend for her birthday.  She loves butterflies, and this one is so cute!!  I used Create a Critter Cricut cartridge for the butterfly.  Also, I'm going to add some more stuff to make it pop! 

{Different Subject}

I'm totally clueless when it comes to the dating life.  I mean seriously one time a guy was using a pick up line, and I took it literally.  He just kept on, and I didn't understand why.  Until after he left, my guy friends that was with me explained to me that he was trying to pick me up.  I was like oh.....my bad.  lol.  The guy was such a cutie too!  He probably thought I wasn't interested. 

I just wish it was just straight forward, no games, nothing.  Just tell me how you feel, or ask me straight out.  Because I will otherwise have no clue.  People are always telling me that I won't get married or anything like that.  Might be true, but I would like to think that I have a fighting chance. 

Anyway, I started taking be-HOT by GNC.  It's suppose to give you energy and all that good stuff.  So far it WORKS!!!  I haven't felt sluggish since I have started taking it.  I would highly recommend it to anyone that needs an extra boost throughout the day!! 

Tomorrow is going to be a light day!!  WOOHOO!  Gonna head to bed.  Goodnite everyone!


$1.50ish Dry Erase Board

Howdy!!  This weekend was great!!  From start to finish.  :)   Loved catching up with some old friends and making some new ones.  :)   Also, I made some cheap dry erase boards for my friends at work.   It only cost me about $1.50 at the most for each one.  All you need is a $1 plastic picture frame (dollar tree has them), piece of white cardstock, piece of color cardstock, and something to decorate it with.  I will include directions at the end of the post. 

Here are some pics of the ones that I have made for the girls:

Besides these being super cheap, the markers won't stain the plastic.  I always hated when the markers started staining the boards, and you couldn't get it back to it's original white color.  These won't do it!!  Also since it's in a picture frame, you can change the inside of it.  So if you want to put something in there that is for Easter, you can make the inside and change it out!!  These boards are great for your office space, kitchen, or anywhere you want to jot down a note.  This will save on paper, and you can recycle old plastic frames to make this.  I'm not trying to be all tree hugger on you guys, but I'm all about saving money!!  

Well I gotta head to bed, but I hope ya'll will enjoy this!!  I know I did!  :) 

Directions:  (assuming it's a 5x7 picture frame)

1.  Cut color cardstock at 5 x 7
2.  Cut white cardstock at 4.75 x 6.75 
3.  Decorate it (stamp it, emboss it, color it, etc.) 
4.  Glue the white cardstock to the color cardstock.
5.  Insert into picture frame.
6.  Enjoy! 

***If you have a different size picture frame, just take a .25 inch off of the original measurements for the white cardstock.  Example :  4 x 6 picture frame:  3.75 x 5.75 white cardstock.  ***



I hate the word "fat."  It just so negative!  When people describe someone, they are meaning it in a bad way.  Granted that if someone is at a unhealthy weight limit, then they should lose weight.  But why not use a nicer word like "thick", "heavy", or "round"?   I know that I'm on the heavier side than I would like, but growing up being called fat chick was not good for me.  If people would be more considerate of others' feelings, then it would be a better world.  But I can dream, right?

Anyway, I made some cards for my co-worker.  And the funny thing is that I'm against Valentine's day.  I have always disliked it even when I had someone to share it with.  I think it's dumb to set one day aside to express their love for one another on one day.  It should be everyday! 

Here you go:

I like the second one the best, but that's my style.  My friend likes the first one, but that's her. lol.  I hope she enjoys them.  I'm hoping that I will get better at it.  I have seen some that are so detailed and very pretty.  I guess practice makes perfect.  :)


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It's been a long time....

Wow!  I can't believe it's been over a year since my last post.  A lot has changed since then.  If it didn't then it would be kinda of scary and depressing.  Anyway, I felt like I should post something.  I love having these overwhelming urges to do something.  Usually it deals with me spending money, which everyone knows I don't like doing. lol.  

On to my point of wanting to do a post.  I have started making cards, and would like to go into more paper crafts.  Here is my first card I made:

 I cut the flower from the Cricut Expression.  The bottom I made the impression myself (might need to invest in a embossing machine).  It took me maybe 30 mins to make.  It took me longer to figure out what colors to use.  lol.  

I have made others as well.....here they go: 

I cut the tree using Cricut Expression.  I also used Mini Brads in the top right hand corner.  Just so CUTE!!

I stamped the butterfly on a circle of white cardstock.  Then I used color pencils to color in.  I would like to get a pastel set to use to color images, but color pencils is a good medium to use.

I like the fact that this one is so simple but yet so pretty!   I embossed a section of the pink cardstock.  Then I carefully put glue on the raised parts and added glitter. 

I orginally made the owl for the card above, but couldn't figure out where to put it.  So I decided to make another card.  I used a Martha Stewart punch for the border, and then used mini brads on the corners. 

This one is one of the most recent ones I have made.  I used glitter glue in the spots of the flower and mini brads on the top right hand corner. 
I love making cards.  My favorite part is the stamping!!  I don't know much about the different types of stamps and the inks, but I'm learning!  I like the fact that you can make a really cute card with little effort.  Plus, when you give this to someone it means so much more than buying a card.   Which for some reason I can't really let go of these cards.  Probably because they're my first.  :) 

Well it's been fun catching up, but I gotta get up early tomorrow.  :(   Gotta get ready for a busy day ahead of me.  Goodnite!! 
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